Everyone can benefit from great foot care, but as you can imagine there are some conditions which specifically need expert help. Our team are highly qualified in supporting with corns, calluses, verrucas, and all common skin and nail issues. We also support many clients who are just looking for more routine treatments, such as nail cutting, managing hard skin, and a general MOT! Having someone take care of your feet is perfect if mobility is is an issue!
We also have a huge experience in supporting those who suffer from Diabetes, and providing expert levels of care and advice around the challenges that this particular conditon can cause. It's vitally important for Diabetics to take good care of their feet, and we're proud to be able to help in this area.
It's also vital to say that our deeply-experienced team have seen all sorts of feet - in every condition - so if you're embarassed about your feet there's absolutely no need to be. Let's just focus on making those feet happy!
To find out more about how we can help, please visit our services page, and if you'd like to speak to us to discuss a particular issue, then please just get in contact